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If you suffer from depression and or generalized anxiety disorder, there are many new drug treatments available that can help you have a better quality of life. Lexapro is one of these new drugs. It is in the class of antidepressants known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, and has fewer side effects compared to older antidepressants. The usual dosage is one 10mg tablet per day, and most patients begin to see an improvement in their symptoms in as little as one to two weeks, for some patients it may take a longer. Other types antidepressants may take up to three to four weeks to be effective and are not as well tolerated.

Lexapro works to improve the chemical imbalance in the brain by blocking reabsorption of serotonin, therefore making more of the neurotransmitter available while having a minimal effect on other brain chemicals. Increased serotonin lifts the mood and improves symptoms of depression and anxiety. After these symptoms begin to improve it is important that patients continue taking Lexapro as prescribed by their psychiatrist. Depression and anxiety can be long term illnesses, and the symptoms often overlap. In more serious cases, there may be other psychiatric conditions present as well. Stopping the medication suddenly can lead to a relapse with symptoms recurring, which could possibly be worse than they were before starting the medication.

Some patients may require a dosage adjustment if symptoms do not improve or if side effects to do not go away after a few weeks of treatment. The most common side effects of Lexapro are nausea, insomnia, sweating, decreased libido, somnolence, fatigue, anorgasmia, and ejaculatory dysfunction. According to, the rates of side effects reported were comparable to those reported by subjects taking a placebo. As with any drug, abstain from driving, operating heavy machinery, or participating in any hazardous activities if fatigue or dizziness is present. The use of alcohol is also discouraged because it can have side effects and possibly increase symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Be sure to ask your pharmacist if Lexapro is compatible with other prescription drugs or herbal remedies you may be taking, and inform your physician and psychiatrist as well. Read the literature that is provided by your pharmacy so you are well informed of the uses, actions, side effects, and other pertinent information regarding Lexapro. Information is also readily available online and from your physician, as well as in drug publication manuals and literature available at your local pharmacy or library.