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According to, a lanyard is ?A cord worn around the neck for carrying something, such as a knife or whistle.? That said a Lanyard could be as simple as a piece of string tied around the neck. When I was in fifth grade, my parents let me have my very own house key. I was totally excited. The only requirement was that I had to wear it around my neck. My parents thought that I might lose the keys otherwise. So my very first lanyard was made with string. I tied it around my neck and tucked it under my sweater.

My Lanyards have grown to be much more cool since those days. When I worked for a very large corporation, we were required to wear ID badges at all times while on the company?s property. You could wear a clip on badge, but after a while your clothes start to wear out at the spot where the badge was clipped. I chose, after a while to purchase a tasteful lanyard on which to proudly hang my badge for all to see.

Later, I started working with children. I had an identification tag also. Now, I could have fun with my Lanyards. I bought several crazy lanyards to reflect the wild, crazy and totally fun side of me. I had a lanyard filled with funny monkeys and a lanyard full of smiling faces. Now, I could choose the lanyard that reflected my personality. The lanyard is a cool and practical way to carry something lightweight. Today, you can even get lanyard headphones for your iPod. I like that. I love my mp3 player, but I really hate the way the long cords of the ear buds get tangled up and drag around.

The Lanyard is the solution. I also use a lanyard to carry my mps player with me while I am traveling. It keeps the player close and easily accessible. Lanyards are being designed today to carry everything from keys and cards to headsets and mp3 players. Even portable gps systems are offering a lanyard as an accessory to carry your gps device with you hands free. You can get a lanyard with various types of clips. Some come with a traditional key chain style attachment. Others come with different clips. Some Lanyards are very simple. Others are wild designs to help us express our personality. Companies, colleges and schools many times will create a lanyard with their own logo and colors for employees or students.