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Computer Security

Home Computer Security Introduction

For intruders, your home computer is a popular target. Do you know this is why? Since, the intruders desire to know what you have stored there. Even they may search for credit card numbers, bank account details, and everything else they can get. By thieving that details, intruders can make use of your cash to purchase goods and services. However, it is not just money-related details they are after. Moreover, they need your computer?s resources, i.e. hard disk space, the fast processor, and your Internet connection. They make use of these resources to attempt other computers on the Internet. Actually, the more computers an intruder utilizes, it is harder for law enforcement to discover where the attack is really coming from.

Intruder?s Attention to Home Computers:

Normally, home computers are not very protected and simple to break into. When combined with high-speed Internet connections, which are turned on all the time, intruders can rapidly find and then attack home computers. Whereas intruders attack home computers linked to the Internet via dial-in connections, the high-speed connections like cable modems and DSL modems are a favorite target. Regardless of how a home computer is associated to the Internet, the intruders? attacks are frequently successful. Many home computer owners do not understand that they want to pay attention to computer security. In the same method that you are in charge for having insurance when you drive a car, you are responsible for your home computer?s security. The objective is to maintain intruders and their programs away from your computer.

How they break into your computer?

In a number of cases, they mail you with a virus. By reading that email, it activates the virus, making an opening that intruders utilize to enter or access your computer. In other situations, they take advantage of a fault or weakness in one of your computer?s programs to get access. Once they are on your computer, they often install new programs, which allow them, continue to use your computer even after you stop the holes they used to get onto your computer in the primary place. These backdoors are generally smartly masked so that they merge in with the other programs running on your computer.

Securing Your Home Computer:

Prior to diving into the tasks, you want to do to make safe your home computer, you must first think about the problem by concerning it to something you previously know how to do. In this method, you can employ your experience to this new area. Therefore, think of your computer as you would your house, your apartment, or your condominium. You know that if you have a loud voice communication, which can be probably hear by outside folks. Additionally, you regularly lock the doors and close the windows when you leave from your home, and you do not provide the keys to anybody. Some of you may set up a security system to harmonize your practices; all of these are part of living in your home. Hence, now apply the similar thinking to your home computer. The E-mail, instant messaging, and most pf the web traffic go across the Internet in clear i.e., any person who can capture that details can read it. Therefore, to escape from some persons you should select and use strong passwords and work out due care when reading all email, particularly the unwanted mails. Lastly, you can add a firewall, an anti-virus program, patches, and file encryption to develop the security level on your home computer


On the Internet, cyberpunks use malicious code such as viruses, worms, and Trojan horses that helps to find unprotected computers. A firewall can help you to protect your computer against these and other security attempts. You must know that connecting to the Internet without a firewall is like leaving the keys in your vehicle with the engine running and the doors not closed while you run into the store.

What a hacker can do?

It depends upon the nature of the attack. Though some attacks are just pains that may play simple trouble, others are created with spiteful aim. These more severe strains may attempt to delete the details from your computer, collide it, or even take personal data, such as passwords or credit card numbers.

Things You Should Know:

One preliminary point for solving home computer security troubles is being conscious of how Internet and some of its technologies work. If you identify how they work, you can estimate solutions to the problems that arise. Additionally, you can use the Internet more securely and sensibly.


Human beings are trusting by nature. They trust much of what they hear on the radio, glimpse on television, and read in the newspaper. Moreover, they believe the labels on packages, e-mails they receive. In truth, those who do not trust much are considered pessimistic. Their opinions may be all rapidly disregarded or ignored. Likewise, the internet is also built on trust. In the mid 1960s, computers were very costly as well as slow by today?s standards but were still useful. In addition, to share the expensive and scare computers installed around the country, U.S. government funded a research project to join these computers put together; as a result, other researchers could utilize them remotely. This project was known as ARPAnet, which is named after the government research agency ARPA, the Advanced Research Projects Agency that funded and managed the project.

The thought was to make sharing ideas and resources simple and as capable as the technology of the day provided. But, only within the past few years, when Internet commerce always known as e-commerce began to increase, it has become scarce to rely mainly on trust. Since the days of the ARPAnet, they have altered the method we use computer networks while others have altered the essential technologies, all in an effort to develop the safety of the Internet. The Internet has several issues, and email is one of the best examples. In an e-mail message, an intruder can easily fabricate where it came from. However, this data forging is called, as spoofing by intruders and security professionals is not restricted to just e-mail. Actually, the basic unit of data transferred on the Internet called a packet can also be simply forged or burlesqued.

Moreover, it simply means that any data you get from some other computer on the Internet should not be trusted automatically and completely. When you trust an e-mail message, which may turns out to have a harmful virus attached to it, then your computer can be tainted, your files are damaged, and finally, your entire work will lost. However, a true sense of uncertainty is better than a false sense of security. Therefore, you must consider about the details you trust and be serious and careful.

Related Topics:

Security Essentials

Internet firewalls

An introduction to computer viruses
