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Computer Tech Support

Computer problems are frustrating to both the technician and user. If you get frustrated while repairing a system, then that could cause more problems. So let relax, study the situation, take a good breath then plan out the situation. Before be assure the availability of tools, necessary CDs for restore back or operating system etc. If so you can achieve the target here in the sense troubleshoot the computer problems. Computer tech support repair, the word itself saying something related to repair obviously it is Computer. Any electronics items it may require some repairing after a particular period of time. Repairing is nothing but we should identify is it the right person or engineer going to be repaired or using the right components to be replaced? These are simple basic things to be taken care before we calling somebody or organize anything.

How to begin

Before touch or do anything to the computer, note down recent activities like new software installed, new hardware added or removed. Or did you plugged or unplugged any device. These changes not done then you can verify the startup files or booting getting any errors. Before you unplug or plug any device main power supply should be in off condition, otherwise it cause the damage of the motherboard, hard disk or any device. When you start the system, it displays the bios setup, memory test, and hard disk detection so on. It also shows if any keyboard, mouse, floppy drive issue while self testing when we boot the system.?

After booting software will take care and generate errors if any issues existing. Also you can check the BIOS setup. Also you can run in SAFE MODE to solve some minor issues. In case it generates any errors in Hard disk, you can run scandisk or chkdsk after starting windows.


As the electronics age going fast day by day, there are different model of computer with high configurations and many new components are coming with different manufactures. If we you study in deeply there are many manufactures in Computer tech support accessories with same product, same capacity, same size. But when check the quality, we can found many defective or unusable. Many parts won?t have proper logo. Also we have to take care of the warranty. No only that the technician who ever it going to be repaired should come from the proper channel. He or she should be well trained or experienced, and then only they easily identify the problems.

Let us consider having a Computer tech support system with low configuration. In this case we can understand that the motherboard not inbuilt with graphic card, sound card, LAN card, Ps/2 etc. Troubleshooting for these type of systems having something difficulty more than the latest one. To identify the problem will be difficult. This takes much time to solve it. Also to reconfigure or reset all these components will take more time. Technician has to aware in thoroughly where and which parts to be placed. If wrong position is selected which cause damage of the parts or the damage of the main board. Take an example of Hard disk. The cable is to be inserted to the socket of the hard disk is very careful, otherwise it may cause the damage of pin in the socket. There are the minor mistakes that will cause the entire system to damage. Also the technician should use the proper tools to remove or fit the parts in side the system.



This is major factor to make a Computer tech support down or damaged. We should very care about the same. Otherwise it causes the lost of all data in hard disk or entire operating system get corrupted. Always should install a popular antivirus software. Not only that we should keep update weekly or monthly. Since every day new viruses are coming , we should keep the software update. In this day it is absolutely essential to have a up to date anti virus software. If the system is connected to internet, there might be a chance spread virus. It hit not only your system, it also send mails automatically which uses you mail address book. The symptom for the viruses is that the system gets slow, or opening any web page automatically, sending mails automatically, or system boot/restart automatically.

There are many types of viruses. They are boot sector virus, which infects system area of a hard disk or floppy disk. File infector viruses, which reside in the memory or affect .exe, .com files. Also there are Trojans , worms etc. But these not create bigger problems.

But we should take care of all this viruses.


There are many service providers in the market to repair the computer system. But the things are that we should appoint the right vendor. If we appointed a vendor with low quality, no punctuality, not experienced engineer then end user will have to suffer more. So we should aware who is right person to give the maintenance contract. Also the time period is also important for the end user. Always technician keep their time to finish it at earliest. In a big organization they cannot wait for the engineer to solve or repair the system as much long. In that case the service provider should give the customer as stand by system. That is way of proper service.


When we repair a computer, the technician should aware about the each parts of the computer. In market all the parts is available from different makers. Always choose the right parts before replace any parts. Otherwise output ratio of the Computer tech support will be less than the actual. We have to identify the original or duplicate parts before purchasing or replacing. Also consider the right manufacturers. These all together will cause the efficiency of the system.


It is very important to see the situation thoroughly. Note down any new hardware added or any software installed. Backup is much important before do any troubleshooting with hard disk. Be assure that Antivirus software is installed and updated in the system. Power fluctuation should be solved and better to use any uninterruptible power supply.