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Camping supplies

Who would not love to ?Camp? outdoors? To get away from the crowded cities, out of the routines, to take some time to enjoy nature and wilderness, to relax for a couple of nights in seclusion in a tent or in a trailer, with loved ones and with nothing to worry about. Every person would actually ?love? to do this once in a while and this recreational activity of camping is getting popular with every passing day around the world, as many have started to realize that camping is one of the best ways to relax and get out of the routines.

You need many camping supplies to enjoy your stay in camps, including equipments like tents, stove, flashlights, axe, ropes, sleeping pads or Camping mattress etc., Camping or air mattress is one of the essential items among the camping supplies, as it protects you from the cold nights with its insulating abilities and provides comfort in rough sleeping surfaces that you would often come across in camps.

A Camping mattress is an inflatable airbed, which is easy to carry around in bags. It can be inflated and deflated within minutes and are designed to meet the needs of campers or hikers. They are thicker and tougher then ordinary sleeping pads and are much more comfortable to sleep on. A few advanced models of Camping mattress are made up of interconnected air cells that offer more comfort while sleeping. They can also provide extra warmth in cold weather.

Camping mattress can easily fold in to storage or carry bags and hence they can be carried even to remote camping spots without any trouble. They offer the coziness of normal mattresses we use in our home and a great night?s sleep that can refresh and energize you for another adventurous day in your camp. A few of us may feel that camping mattresses are a lot expensive than ordinary sleeping pads but in reality they are certainly worth every dollar we spend on them because they offer a lot more than sleeping pads or mats.

Tent is another important item among the camping supplies and they can be categorized based on their usage. Army tents are used in military camps while lightweight tents are used as beach or camping tents, as they are compact and are easy to carry around while camping or beaching.

Camping tents offer similar protection from external climate just like the conventional tents but at the same time they come in various designs and shapes to suit individual needs in camps. Most of the camping tents available in the market today are fire resistant and water proof.

Flashlight is another item that is a part of the camping supplies required while camping outdoors. Flashlight is a simple portable device that has been in use for almost a century. Flashlights are used to explore caves or dark places in camps or to explore the camp surroundings during nights. Off late LED flashlights have found a place in the camping supplies replacing the traditional flashlights that uses light bulbs powered by electric batteries.

LED (Light?emitting diodes) flashlights are more energy efficient and consume less energy from the batteries compared to the normal flashlights. An electronically regulated LED flashlight never becomes dimmer even if the batteries become weak, as its light output is maintained at a constant value irrespective of the energy level of the batteries. While choosing a flashlight for camping purposes (let it be a LED or an ordinary flashlight) ensure that it is small and compact enough to fit in to your pocket as they could be easily carried around and used when required.

A few models of compact flashlights available in the markets today generate high intensity light beams in spite of their compact size and are best suited for camping purposes. Always buy a flashlight that comes with a guarantee and a scratch/ corrosion resistant surface.

Another item that finds an important place among the camping supplies is a camping stove. A camping stove is a portable, lightweight equipment that is designed to be used in camps or in other outdoor activities. . They are used for cooking food and heating water in camps. Camping stove is fuelled by gas and usually comes with a single burner but models with two burners are more useful in camps, as it allows cooking or heating two things at the same time. Since they are compact and lightweight, they could easily be carried even to remote camping spots.

While purchasing a camping stove ensure that the fuel used in the stove is ?White Gas? as this fuel burns cleanlier and is cheap to refill. Another important feature that one should look in a camping stove is its ability to work in high altitude as many people love to camp in high altitude regions. Never forget to check for the warranty and ensure that the surface of the stove is resistant to corrosion. Purchase a few compact cookware items along with the stove, as they could be handy while camping.

The above qualities make these items indispensable in the list of camping supplies required for camping outdoors. They provide the safety and comfort you need in a camp and you can enjoy the ?Oneness with nature? without any worries as these camping supplies make your camping experience safer. Camping is an enjoyable activity and camping supplies can make it more enjoyable as they provide you the comfort of your home even in remote and treacherous camping spots.