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Camping Supplies

Having the right camping supplies can make the difference between a fun and relaxing camping trip and a total disaster. Even though disasters make for good stories later on, it?s generally a good idea to invest some time and effort into getting the right Camping Supplies before going on a camping trip. Camping is one of my favorite ways to spend a weekend, but starving out in the middle of nowhere while getting drenched in the rain all night is not.

Fortunately, getting good camping supplies is easy these days. You can order just about everything you?d ever want or need online with just a few clicks and some electronic order forms. No longer do you have to make a long haul to a Camping Supplies store, which are often few and far between. However, there are still many advantages in actually going to a camping supplies store. First of all, you of course get a first hand look at the camping equipment you are about to buy. Sometimes an item looks great in a photo, but in real life you realize that it?s a flimsy, poorly made piece of crap. Secondly, most of the larger and better Camping Supplies stores are staffed by people that know at least a little about camping.

They often have good recommendations on brands to go with, have been using various camping supplies for years, and usually don?t work on commission so you can trust them. When I first started camping, I bought all my camping supplies live in a store, just to get the advice of seasoned campers. Now that I?m more confident with what I?m doing, I order everything online. I?ve found the brands I like, and I usually know what I?m going to need.

All most all the larger Camping Supplies stores, such as REI (my personal favorite) have websites where you can order from online, so you can continue buying your equipment from people you know and trust. The more difficult question isn?t how to get camping supplies, or where you need these camping supplies? This is harder to answer and depends on what kind of trip you are going to take. If you are ?car camping? and aren?t hiking with your equipment, you can never have too much stuff. If there?s any doubt in your mind, just bring it, and with time you?ll get a feel for what you actually use and what you don?t. If you are hiking far with your equipment, take the reverse attitude. If there?s any doubt in your mind, leave it.