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Cable Television

It started as a mere source of entertainment for the masses and has now become a revolution in itself.

Described in the above lines is the television that has made the world a smaller place. The television, when it was invented was just a black and white screen that provided recreation to a limited audience who could afford this expensive entertainment source. But with time, the so-called Idiot Box has gained so much popularity that now even a one-year-old kid knows how to operate it.


As the television became cheaper, smaller and more acceptable to a larger audience, a new technology evolved that further added to the popularity of the television. This technology was the Cable Television or Community Antenna Television, as it was called. With the introduction of this technology, the audience that was used to watching television at scheduled hours now shifted to watching cable at erratic hours.

The Community Antenna Television was a system of providing television services to the viewers using fixed optical fibers or coaxial cables rather than using over-the-air method of transmitting signals. Initially cable viewing was made possible by using antennas with long cables connecting these to the television sets of the viewers. The problems faced in this method were mainly related to the attenuation of the signals, i.e. signals becoming weak. This problem also gave rise to the need of using amplifiers to regenerate signals, thus increasing the cost of installation. Then came systems that used analog signals but again with the problem of signals getting weak.

The modern Cable Television used now a days, employs satellites that ensure a more reliable communication. Modern cable networks even employ use digital cable technology that allows them to transmit compressed digital signals. The advantage of using such systems is the availability of best quality transmission of all sorts of data.

But as is generally said, every thing has its positives and negatives effects, so does the cable television. As the technology became a household item, its effects came to light.

While on one hand cable television became a thing of primary importance in the family and social life, on the other hand it was criticized for everything that it is today.

Cable television has increased the knowledge of people in all fields today. Telecast of programs on the National Geographic, Discovery or even some quiz shows on different channels has increased the know how of people and even made them more aware of their surroundings. Cable viewing has also brought about a change in the way people think. It has broadened the outlook of people. Taboo topics like sex, rape etc. are being talked about openly today. Parents, who earlier could not talk to their children about such things, are discussing it openly today.

Cable television, has in some way, contributed to the feeling of nationality among the youth of today. Broadcasting of movies based on the freedom struggle, shows that relate to Indias freedom etc. have helped the youth to understand the meaning of freedom in the true sense.

The position of women in the society has improved as a result of cable viewing. The till now downtrodden woman has now emerged as the stronger of the two sexes. The portrayal of women as iron-women of today has brought a change in the outlook of people. People are now accepting the fact that a womans place is not a mans bed and the kitchen. A woman today is a doctor, an engineer, a teacher, an architect and much more. Cable television has boosted the image of a woman who is now able to stand shoulder to shoulder with any man.

The cable television has also made the public more aware about their rights pertaining to products, information etc. It has also brought to light the way several companies and agencies function or carry out their routine work. The recent controversy about pesticides in Coca-Cola and Pepsi is a fine example of how cable television has made the functioning of companies transparent.

But lets not forget that with the good is associated the bad as well. There is no doubt about the fact that watching cable television is beneficial for people of all ages, but we cannot overlook the fact that cable viewing has made the society what it is today. Never had we heard of four marriages of a person, especially in the Hindu custom and here we are today with people marrying again and again only for fun- thanks to nothing but the cable television.

Cable Television has corrupted the society. Programs, in one way or another, are said to be offensive, indecent or inappropriate. The worst affected by cable viewing are children and teenagers. The children want to imitate action sequences or stunts that they have watched. A lot of them dont understand the fact that what is being shown is not reality but the impact of what they have watched is so strong that they dont pay heed to anything that is being said for their benefit. Children are in so much awe of cable viewing that they forget that a world exists beyond it. Outdoor sports are a thing of past for them as are their studies and health. A survey has shown that the number of children suffering from headaches has increased manifold. Also the number of children needing spectacles at an early age has increased.

Teenagers, like children, have set a notion that studies and health are secondary whereas watching their favorite fashion show or daily soap is of primary importance.

Late night movies, late night parties, discos, smoking and drinking are what attract teenagers these days. Advertising on cable television has affected the people so much that they now equate happiness with purchasing a product they desire. The amount spent on buying branded clothes or a branded product is more than what teenagers spend on buying books for their studies. The culprit of all these is the cable television.

Cable viewing is also responsible for the growing rate of crime in the world. Frequent portrayal of crimes like murder, rape, robbery etc. have increased the crime rates to an all time high. It has also increased the number of drug addicts.

Cable viewing is not bad but it should not be excessive because it is said excess of everything is bad. Cable Television viewing should be restricted to only those programs that are educative and those, which are not harmful for any person or the society. Everybody should refrain from watching programs that portray crime, mislead or show any aspect of the society that is not acceptable.

Cable viewing should only be a source of entertainment and should not be allowed to rule and affect our lives in any way, especially in a negative manner.