Bag is a consumable item used for carrying or packaging purposes. This comes a part of our daily life in different environments. Bags role as a safety cover on any commodity we
use in our daily life. Using of a Bag for carrying a product, a gift or an item is a gentle manner. A bag definitely helps us to carry a number of goods easily and safely. Sometimes, bags are used for a permanent storage space for goods. A Bag is a co-traveler with a traveler in a journey. Without the baggage, it cannot be imagined as a comfortable journey. It provides a temporary arrangement of all commodities supposed to have.
Bag and History
The usage of bags has been signified from history. This is an essential discovery by human being with respect to their necessity. But the style and utilities have been Luggage, backpacks, briefcases, and more at
modified with time changed. Our ancient people were using bags for transportation of crops, foods, and other materials. The history also tells about the fashion on using bags by different community and regions. The bag has been modified with evolution of clothes. Previously people were using different materials to make bags, such as: coconut fibers, jute fibers, big and strong leaves and scales. But along with the development of the material, the bag took different style, shapes and sizes.
Bag and Fashion
As we need and like to have a bag, then why don’t we emphasis on the style and fashion. This is the reason of bringing the Bag into the fashion. The fashion industry is also very much inclined towards the materials, design, color and size of the bags. People are quite comfortable to carry a fashionable Bag that suits to their profession, dress code or occasion. So the industry also produces the same kind of bags for the market. The fashion-shows also go on to market bags.
Kinds of Bags Luggage, backpacks, briefcases, and more at
There is no definite kinds of bags are being manufacturing through out world. So this is an imagination and yet to be studied. The research is going on in every sector and environment to make a different bag as per needs. There are some common usages are known but there is no definite shape and sized bag yet defined.
Messenger bags: This bag had been used by the postman from a long time back. These bags are used in postal department for carrying letter, parcel etc. Generally, these are very robust. These bags are made of leather or canvas or synthetics or such strong materials. There must be a pair of handles, zip and locking facility. The base of the bag usually is made of thick and strong synthetics.
Travel bag: Travel bags are exclusively used during long traveling. These are called Tourist bags also. These are designed with many facilities to carry all items to be used during a journey. During a tour, a tourist may get through heavy rain, capture moisture, and get sunlight and heat. The bag can withstand all the natural and unnatural hazards.
Tool bag: The tool bags are used to carry such useful mechanical tools that we use in machine room, vehicles, during traveling and movements. The bags are designed to carry metal tools and accessories. These are usually made of metal, synthetics and canvas. There is a handle, number of pockets and locking systems put on the bags.
Sports bag: Sports persons need so many items in indoor and outdoor sports to carry in a bag. These are designed according to different sports and items required. These are made of leather, canvas and synthetic to accommodate heavy to light items. An outdoor game’s sports bag carries dresses, cap, belt, food, water, first-aid kit and game instruments whereas, an indoor game box carries games instruments and light accessories.
Sleeping bag: This is a part of traveling baggage. Generally, it is made of canvas or synthetics materials. Overall it is very light and attached to a foam sheet and air pillow. It can be folded to a smaller shape that easy to carry.
Handbag: The handbags are used very commonly as a necessary item or as a fashion. These are used separately by men and women in deferent purposes also. The handbag used by women is called vanity bag. There are unlimited designs like dresses, come up to market every day.
Gift bag: The gift bag is a fancy one, which is decorated with different colorful materials. As a gift brings the
delighting moments so, the bag is also expresses the same impression carrying the gift in it. The gift bag is prepared by wrapper materials, fabricated and attaches fancy ribbons etc.
Paper bag: Paper bags are used for carrying light goods and food items. These are colorful and printed by the supplier or product manufacturers. These are also used for carrying sophisticated electronics or electrical products.
Plastic bag: Generally, plastic bags are uses for packaging food and grocery items. In retail market, plastics are used for small bags that can protect from water and moistures. The item bagged with plastic is good for transportation for long distances also. But this is sacked from the market to protect environment nowadays.
Reusable bags
These kinds of bags come under fast moving consumable goods (FMCG). These are specially designed for specific purposes. Obviously, it protects against the plastic bags that generates pollution to the atmosphere. This also comes under the recycling industry where the bags are remade. These are environmentally-friendly as well as reusable. These include: Reusable plastic bags, Green bags and Chiller bags.
Reusable Plastic Bag: These types of bags are strong and durable, printed, colorful and with a plastic handle, can be used up to 10 to12 times.
Green Bag: These types of bags appear green; the distinguishable green bags have been incredibly popular. These are woven so as to be highly durable, and are entirely re-usable. They are also quite strong - ideal for heavy groceries or larger shopping trips.
Chiller Bag: These are cooler bags. These are sturdy and reusable, and are great for picnics or for keeping perishable items cool on the way home from the shops.
Health Bag: Health bags carry the medicated materials and used by a patient. The first-aid kit is one kind of health bag. The hot bag carries hot water that used by muscles movement. These bags are sophisticated and help people for an instant treatment.