Business colorado health insurance small

Small business health insurance is available to small businesses if you employs between two and fifty employees. Small business health insurance offers tax benefits. The employer contributions to a small business health insurance plan are 100% tax deductible. A small business health insurance plan can also improve employee satisfaction and health of you and your employees. Small Business health insurance is also more affordable with lower premiums and more extensive coverage than an individual policy. When you want to Small Business Health insurance in Colorado you have compare quotes of premiums, benefits so that you can select best policy from the available. Health Insurance packages such as Group health Insurance . For the first time in nine years, Colorado has enacted legislation to address small-business health insurance, in order to control exploding premiums and the rapidly declining number of employees covered.


Colorado law (Colorado Division of Insurance) provides certain protections regarding health insurance. All companies selling health insurance in Colorado are to make sure their members receive

  • Important health insurance information
  • Fair treatment
  • Coverage for benefits allowed under an insurance contract.

    Colorado has established special health insurance rules for small employer groups those with 50 or fewer employees. It includes qualified self employed persons and house employees. The following are protections.

  • Neither the group as a whole nor particular employees or dependents in the group can be denied health coverage because of a medical condition.
  • An insurance company cannot cancel a health policy except for failure to pay premiums, or for fraud.
  • An insurance company cannot raise a particular small group s premiums because that group has high medical expenses.
  • Small employers have the right to buy coverage through one of Colorados health care coverage cooperatives. Cooperatives offer the employees for a small employer a choice of health care plans from different insurers.

    The people who covered by health insurance plans regulated by the State of Colorado have certain rights through state law. Some of these rights apply to all types of plans and others to managed care plans.

    Regardless of the type of health insurance, you have right to
  • Coverage for certain mandated benefits
  • Know exactly what your plan does and does not cover.
  • Contact your insurer to complain and appeal all plan decisions with which you disagree
  • Receive a standardized form that outlines benefits for comparison between companies and between health plans. Your health insurer should provide you with this form
  • Get a written explanation of the reason, if a health insurer denies your application for enrollment or excludes a health condition you may have from coverage
  • Coverage of emergency room care, if you had good reason to believe you were facing a life or limb threatening situation, even if this turned out not to be ture, and
  • Prompt payment of claims
  • SELF INSURED PLANS Single employer self funded i.e. self insured plans are not regulated by the Colorado Division of Insurance even it relates to health insurance. Some employers choose to self insure, which means the employer acts as the health insurer for their employees. The employer actually pays the bills for their employees health care, using an insurance company or third party administrator only to process the claims. These self insured plans are exempt from Colorado law but it is regulated by Federal law called ERISA

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