Financial Careers


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Financial Careers

Financial positions are prevalent in corporations as well as in financial institutions. They provide opportunities for strategic financial planning, quantitative analysis, investment management and sales. Each position from various fields demands special skills and provides diverse rewards. It is not always compulsory to have a bachelor's degree in commerce or economics to enter in financial planning career. It is possible to “work your way up” in finance from an entry-level position, but higher positions usually require some further study.

When you decide that you want to pursue financial advisor career in finance, it is necessary to know the various opportunities available in this field. Which Financial role is suitable for you. Here you will get some valuable information to build up your bright career.

Skills Required for Career in Finance:

• Ability to deal with uncertain change

• Analytical skill

• Computer Knowledge

• Good Communication skill

• Leadership quality

• Problem-solving thinking

• Ready to take and face risk

• Strategic thinker

• Ability to work as team member

Oppurtunities Available in Finance:

Real Estate:

A major in Finance with a concentration of courses in Real Estate will prepare individuals for financial career in the real estate industry. Career opportunities include sales, career in financial management, development and appraisal. Real estate agents work independently or for brokers. Appraisers generally work for banks or appraiser firms. Real estate managers and developers may work for apartment or housing communities, but many start businesses of their own. Positions in real estate require good negotiation and management skills, as well as an entrepreneurial spirit. Real estate sales positions will require licensing.

Courses in Decision-Making, Real Estate Finance, Appraisal, Real Estate Law and Investment Analysis, will prepare individuals for financial career in real estate. Work in real estate is personally rewarding, ever-changing and challenging.


The Insurance sector promises some of the hottest jobs in finance, because today it is a huge business, which has grown immensely due to the growing need of the individuals and industries to protect them against losses. Communication skill is essential, as Insurance agents or Insurance advisors must explain the risks involved and the details of different offers. Many insurance agents are also licensed to conduct financial sales, such as annuities and mutual funds. Entrepreneurial and management skill is important for these positions, as many agents build their own clientele and manage their own office staff. Actuarial positions provide another career opportunity within the insurance industry. These individuals conduct the statistical analyses to predict the risk associated with writing insurance policies.

Investment Banking:

Investment Banks help companies and governments issue securities, help investors purchase securities, manage financial assets, trade securities and provide financial advice career as a financial planner opportunities in investment banking can be divided into the following general categories:

• Corporate Finance: These individuals determine the funding needs of their clients and analyze the best alternatives to meet these needs, such as debt or equity issuance. Typical clients include corporations and public institutions.

• Sales & Trading: Positions in this area involve analyzing stocks, bonds and other securities for potential trading. This information is then shared with institutional investors and corporations. These positions require an in-depth knowledge about financial markets, as well as the ability to make quick decisions that may involve a great deal of risk.

• Mergers & Acquisitions: Companies utilize investment banks when they want to sell all or a portion of their corporation. A Financial career in this area involves analyzing the value of assets and negotiating the sale.

• Analysts: These individuals follow the economy and key indicators of market stability. Forecasting future activity and risks involved are their key responsibilities.

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