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search engines submit

The search engines and the submit. What do these two have in common? Well, say you have a business online. You have a lovely website with a hundred or so pages of relevant content.

You (or your writer) have built in the necessary keywords. Here?s where the first half of the search engines submit dynamic comes in: When potential customers seek (what is usually information first) something, they type in a few key words or a phrase into their search box. The results page they get generated by the search engines submit they are using. On that results page will be the most relevant websites.THE SEARCH ENGINESSo those search engines are the ones you want to submit to. Your site (and all of the pages within it) will then be in those engines, directories, and/or indexes?in categories relevant to you and your searching consumers.Such major search engines are of three types, those that are mechanized?or automated--spiders [or crawlers] (specific computer programs which continuously look for and at new sites and pages, too); those which are run by staffs of men and women at directories; and those which are a combination of the latter two types.

The list of SE?s includesAlexaAltaVistaApinetBig FinderEntire WebExact SeekGoogleInfo TigerMixcatSearch ItSearch SightSearch WarpSubjexSurf GopherTower SearchMamma MetasearchMooduleNational DirectoryQuest FinderWhat U SeekYahoo!The list of directory-style (or index-style) SE?s includesDMOZ/ODP [Open Directory Project]Emporium DirectoryJaydeMSNSearch KingSplat!Turnpike Yahoo! [All the Web]PAYING SEARCH ENGINES to SUBMIT/LISTThere are also paid index or catalogue search engines to submit to. Rather than just relying on the crawlers to find and index your website, you can pay for a guaranteed listing, which is also higher ranked?meaning when the web user does a search and gets search result pages, your listing will be there, for sure, though it will not necessarily be higher up on the list than a non-paid listing would be.

(That is due to a complexity of nuances, such as algorithms, which you can read about at search engines submit optimization sites.)CHOOSING and PRIORITIZINGAs the experts (at Yahoo! And Lycos InSight, for example) will tell you, however, not all pages of a site will be included; so not all pages will appear on results pages. Depending upon what their criteria is for deeming what is valuable, the search engines will return select pages. So when you submit to search engines, submit the pages you deem most valuable?so customers don?t get your favorite links page or your jokes page when you want them to be greeted first by your products or home page ads.Granted, most search engines ask for only the front (home) page, but wherever permissible, send in other pages you value as well, especially those getting in-bound links (those pages that other sites link/refer to on their pages).Know that you can purchase software that will do the search engine submissions for you, and you can commission a service to do the same. But as the pros also remind you, do not fall for any promises of #1 ranking, of multiple and repetitive submissions on a weekly basis, etc.. Avoid frauds and false promises: there is no such ?guarantee? of #1 in the results page ranking and there is no need (and in fact a discouraged behavior) for re-submitting a page that has already been submitted. It may even be to your disadvantage to go with a service that ends up getting you penalized, vilified, or ostracized!