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Home security systems have come a long way in recent decades. Many homeowners are opting for the high-end products that are quite expensive; maybe too expensive for the average homeowner. A security camera system is an example of a high-end product which many of us would love but not all of us can afford. You don?t have to spend a lot of money on a home security camera system. Nevertheless, you want potential thieves and criminals to steer away from your property. A fake security camera system might be the answer you are looking for in this case. You can get the benefit of having the effect of a high end home protection device without investing too much money into it.

Potential intruders will not be able to spot a real video recorder fro a fake one especially in the dark of night. This thrifty approach is gaining popularity among savvy homeowners who want a cost effective approach to home security. An artificial security camera is an innovative idea that seems almost too simple to actually work. The fake security camera system is easily mounted with support braces held in place by a few simple screws. The dummy video recorder can be placed in a high-profile part of the home so it is readily seen from a distance. The security camera system looks remarkably like a true blue recorder.

Almost each and every detail is covered in these ingenious devices. The security camera system boasts realistic details including the very important blinking light that draws attention to the unit. Though the device doesn?t look perfect, I doubt that a potential burglar will take the time to study the unit to find out for real.
Another detail that is sure to have the bad guys running in the other direction is the optional motion detector. This added detail can scare even the boldest criminal around. The sensor on the security camera system is set such that it follows the movement. This gives the illusion that the fake unit is actually filming the moving target.

Remember that security camera system are not only for the home. Many smaller businesses benefit from having a little extra security. A fake unit can deter shoplifters from taking items from your mom and pop store or it can deter employees from skimping on their customer?s change or forgetting to ring items into the cash register. Many of these units are very reasonably priced with some only costing only around and about one-hundred dollars. Others are remarkably affordable. You can purchase an artificial security camera system for as little as fifteen dollars. This system doesn?t have all the bells and whistles, but it will probably do the trick in many cases.