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Copyright Software

IP Address Tracker


The Internet is a global computer network with more than 100 million users worldwide, and its growing like crazy. According to one estimate, copyright software more than 300,000 new Web pages appear every seven days and the total amount of information available on this worldwide network doubles every year.

Televisions, radios and newspapers limit user interaction to content selection, whereas the Internet is much more interactive. The Internet is becoming more complex every day with new backbone service providers expanding the network and more ISPs (Internet Service Providers) selling their bandwidth to business and residential customers.


A computer needs to support the Internet networking protocols, to be able to connect to the Internet. The Internet protocols, collectively called TCP/ IP, are open protocols, which define how the Internet works. Amongst all the standards/ protocols, the most fundamental is the Internet Protocol (IP). Internet Protocol defines the Internet?s addressing scheme. It enables any Internet connected computer to be identified uniquely. An Internet address, also called the IP address, is a four-part number, separated by periods (for example ). With Internet Protocol (IP), two computers don?t have to be online at the same time to exchange data. The sending computer just keeps trying until the message gets through. When you request a file from a web server, your browser sends it to your IP address. Every computer that is connected to the Internet has an IP address. IP addresses are a fundamental part Internet communication.


Every new invention has its pros and cons. The World Wide Web provides each user, the freedom to access any information, at a click of the mouse. There are few who take advantage of this facility, and deliberately tap into secret government files or use the same for illegal activities like Hacking. IP address tracking programs are used by authorities to catch such Hackers. The IP address is easy to determine in many cases. Whenever you receive an email, the IP address of the sender can be retrieved from a section called ?headers?. It can also be traced by monitoring network connections for certain types of instant messaging and chat applications. Websites also get IP address information for all computers that have visited the site. IP Address tracking is the process of collecting information about an IP address, without any prior knowledge of who actually uses that IP address. An IP address tracker identifies the IP address of the sender?s computer, his geographical location, and the company providing the Internet service (or ISP) for that IP address.


IP address tracker programs are freely available online for personal use too. Some people misuse the same for peeping into personal computers, venturing into their privacy. Every time you connect to the Internet, the possibility of anyone copyright software using an IP address tracker to find out who and where you are, cannot be ignored. Many Internet users often become victims of deliberate spamming in the form of email injection, email-borne viruses and email threats. Sometimes a spammer/hacker repeatedly submits blank or nonsense messages on a clients website contact form, causing them to receive phony enquiries. Sometimes these emails can be abusive or offensive. People using Yahoo and Hotmail email services, to send Spam emails can be uncovered and traced using a tracker program, reveling their true identity and hidden location, sometimes leading directly to the person. An IP address tracker can get you complete information of the sender, giving you the name, address and possibly telephone number too. Many a times it helps you to reach the sender?s Internet Service Provider (ISP). However, a good Internet Service Provider (ISP) will not reveal any information about its customer.

A legal action or law enforcement of some sort will be required for an Internet Service Provider (ISP) to release that information. Once you have all the relevant details, you can send a Spam complaint. You can also contact an attorney and send a letter through them to the contact info address. You can also contact your local police authorities and register a complaint with them. If you are a resident of the United State, you can report about the Spam to the Federal Trade Commission Bureau of Consumer Protection.

However, an IP address tracker may or may not identify a specific computer. Many computers are associated with dynamic or changeable IP addresses. Your IP address is dynamic if you use a modem and an Internet Service Provider (ISP) to connect to the Internet. The Internet Service Provider owns a block of IP addresses. Whenever a modem calls the Internet Service Provider (ISP), an IP address that is not being used by any other customer at that moment is randomly assigned to it. In large organizations, a gateway is used which acts as a router or proxy for connecting to more than one computer. From the Internet the individual machines look as if they all are coming from the same IP address. Sometimes, the information is even more obscure. Instant Messaging conversations typically copyright software do not include the IP address of the participants. Also, most web-based email providers and messages do not contain the IP address of the actual originator.

Many people use a router or a firewall to protect any intrusion from the Internet into their computer. If you are connected directly through the Internet, others can use your IP address on the network to reach your personal computer and exploit any vulnerabilities. By using a router your computer cannot be contacted directly. A firewall blocks the intruders from gaining access to your machine even if they do reach it.

With the Internet becoming more and more important in our daily lives, it is important to realize that our privacy and anonymity online is under threat by increasingly sophisticated monitoring techniques like the IP tracker programs. While it is important that copyright software information be made available when its required, that is in cases of any illegal activity, the privacy of each user should also be respected.