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Copyright Software

So you use windows as an operating system? And what other software have you loaded on your computer? MS Office for sure. Did you realize that your MS office for Windows comes with three product keys? If you did, you, like me would have wondered why there need to be keys for each installation. And you would have soon realized that it is because MS Office is Copyright Software. What is copyright software exactly? Well, any software development company spends a great deal of time and money in researching newer software. When they finally come out with a viable product, they have to recover the costs they have incurred.

This is when they copyright software and ensure that they hold the legal license to produce that particular software in bulk. This enables them to get returns on their investment. After all, they have spent a great deal on research and it is only fair to them. While Copyright Software is the norm for bigger firms like Microsoft, for many smaller firms, being able to copyright software and then sell it in the market is a status symbol of sorts. This is because there are thousands of copyright software available in the market and the only way to differentiate among them all is to produce a version that most people are going to use.
Microsoft still has the market in a stranglehold as of now. But with ever newer copyright software coming along, you never know what else might catch on. Speaking of catching on, there is a new development in the field of Copyright Software which has changed the face of security on the Internet. This is called piracy and it does not have anything to do with ships on the high seas.

And yet, like the pirates of old, the new piracy proponents manage to get their hands on Copyright Software and then duplicate and sell it without a license, causing great losses to genuine firms. And the actual firms are not going to take these losses easily, as they have continuously spent millions of dollars, year on year just to get a good copyright software product on the shelves, only to have flied by night operators disappear with their money. So laws have been formulated and bills enacted to ensure that copyright software is protected from piracy and that the holders of the copyright get a free and fair arena in which they can make and sell Copyright Software.