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If you have ever tested software manually, you are aware of its drawbacks. Manual testing is time-consuming and tedious, requiring a heavy investment in human resources. Worst of all, time constraints often make it impossible to manually test every feature thoroughly before the software is released. This leaves you wondering whether serious bugs have gone undetected. Automated testing with WinRunner addresses these problems by dramatically speeding up the testing process. You can create test scripts that check all aspects of your application, and then run these tests on each new build. As WinRunner runs tests, it simulates a human user by moving the mouse cursor over the application, clicking Graphical User Interface (GUI) objects, and entering keyboard input?but WinRunner does this faster than any human user .

Benefits of Automated Testing

Fast WinRunner runs tests significantly faster than human users. Reliable Tests perform precisely the same operations each time they are run, thereby eliminating human error. Repeatable You can test how the software reacts under repeated execution of the same operations. Programmable You can program sophisticated tests that bring out hidden information from the application. Comprehensive You can build a suite of tests that covers every feature in your application. Reusable You can reuse tests on different versions of an application, even if the user interface changes.

Understanding the Testing Process

The WinRunner testing process consists of 6 main phases:

1) Teaching WinRunner the objects in your application WinRunner must learn to recognize the objects in your application in order to run tests. The preferred way to teach WinRunner your objects depends on the GUI map mode you select. The two GUI map modes are described in detail in subsequent lessons.

2) Creating additional test scripts that test your application?s functionality WinRunner writes scripts automatically when you record actions on your application, or you can program directly in Mercury Interactive?s Test Script Language (TSL).

3) Debugging the tests You debug the tests to check that they operate smoothly and without interruption.

4) Running the tests on a new version of the application You run the tests on a new version of the application in order to check the application?s behavior.

5) Examining the test results. You examine the test results to pinpoint defects in the application.

6) Reporting defects If you have the TestDirector 7.0i, the Web Defect Manager (TestDirector 6.0), or the Remote Defect Reporter (TestDirector 6.0), you can report any defects to a database. The Web Defect Manager and the Remote Defect Reporter are included in TestDirector, Mercury Interactive?s software test management tool. Exploring the WinRunner Window Before you begin creating tests, you should familiarize yourself with the WinRunner main window. To start WinRunner:

Choose Programs > WinRunner > WinRunner on the Start menu.

The first time you start WinRunner, the Welcome to WinRunner window opens. From the welcome window you can create a new test, open an existing test, or view an overview of WinRunner in your default browser. The first time you select one of these options, the WinRunner main screen opens with the ?What?s New in WinRunner? section of the help file on top. If you do not want the welcome window to appear the next time you start WinRunner, clear the Show on startup check box.

Each test you create or run is displayed by WinRunner in a test window. You canopen many tests at one time.

1 The WinRunner window displays all open tests.

2 Each test appears in its own test window. You use this window to record, program,and edit test scripts.

3 Buttons on the Standard toolbar help you quickly open,run, and save tests.

4 The User toolbar provides easy access to test creation tools.

5 The status bar displays information about selected commands and the current test run.

The Standard toolbar provides easy access to frequently performed tasks, such as opening, executing, and saving tests, and viewing test results.

The User toolbar displays the tools you frequently use to create test scripts. By default, the User toolbar is hidden.

To display the User toolbar choose Window > User Toolbar. When you create tests, you can minimize the WinRunner window and work exclusively from the toolbar.

The User toolbar is customizable. You choose to add or remove buttons using the Settings > Customize User Toolbar menu option. When you re-open WinRunner, the User toolbar appears as it was when you last closed it. The commands on the Standard toolbar and the User toolbar are described in detail in subsequent lessons. Note that you can also execute many commands using softkeys. Softkeys are keyboard shortcuts for carrying out menu commands. You can configure the softkey combinations for your keyboard using the Softkey Configuration utility in your WinRunner program group. For more information, see the ?WinRunner at a Glance? chapter in your WinRunner User?s Guide. Now that you are familiar with the main WinRunner window, take a few minutes to explore these window components before proceeding to the next lesson.