![]() Low interest credit card onlineHaving credit gives people the freedom to make purchases without having to carry cash. Many people use credit cards as reverse bank accounts . This means that they take a vacation and pay by credit card then take months or more to pay back what they spent . Others run into problems because they use credit cards frivolously or spend far beyond their ability to repay the credit card company. Looking for low interest credit cards is a great way to save money. Among all the credit card offers, the low interest credit cards help the cardholders to easily establish a credit history . The card members can start building their credit history based on their card usage level. Also the low interest credit card comes with lots of attractive and useful incentives such as free gifts, gift certificates and discount coupons are provided just for signing up. Of course there are a hundreds of low interest credit card offers online. The trick is to find the best among them suiting individual needs. For example, some cards offer a low introductory rate and no annual fee, but the APR (annual percentage rate) that kicks in when the introductory offer expires can be fairly high . On the other hand, with a fixed rate card, one can shop around for the lowest rate up front and keep that rate for the life of the card . Going with the zero percent introductory rate can be a really good move in case the credit card holder wishes to transfer balances that he knows he can pay off within the introductory period. Most cards offer a six-month free balance transfer and zero percent interest ; however, there are platinum cards that extend that introductory rate for up to 15 months . Transferring big balances to one of those cards can mean a significant savings together with availing an attractive long-term rate. There are some important factors that should be taken into account while obtaining a low interest credit card online. First and foremost is the cost of the credit. Everyone knows that credit is granted because the credit card holder will pay back what he spends plus an additional amount of interest . Interest rates vary widely depending on individual credit history, and some interest rates on a specific card will change based on repayment history . In addition to the interest rate, there are often a number of fees associated with obtaining low interest credit cards online depending upon an individuals credit history. One can even find a credit card that comes with an annual fee and a monthly fee as well as an origination fee, in addition to the interest on the account . So it is a good idea to look around for a card with the lowest fees as well as the lowest interest rate . |