![]() Free credit cardAre you too much perturbed thinking about the huge annual fee you need to pay on your credit card? Then its very true as it is time for you to forget these annual fees repayment and also the credit card firms, which levy these annual fees for using their credit cards. Because you can now find plenty of credit card firms who offer credit cards to you at free of cost!! Free of cost does not mean that you would not have an interest rate associated with your repayments or late repayment fee levied in case of delayed payment, but it means that the annual fee that many a companies charge on their credit cards can be wiped out through these new free credit cards. So, this indeed is a very good news for all the cardholders who are looking out for new facilities and discounts such as annual fee being waived. The basic reason why credit card firms have come-up with this particular strategy and facility of not charging the annual fee is to hold onto their customers tight. In an evolving and dynamic market of credit cards, many a firms want to ensure that they are a niche above and cut apart from their nearest competitors in terms of offering new facilities to their cardholders and thus establishing a good relationship with the clients. And for the customers the biggest advantage is that they get a new free credit card and as the annual fee is relinquished every year it turns out to be a “life time” free offer. This particular free credit card is attracting a lot of cardholders because of its distinct feature of not charging any annual fee. Previously many a cardholders were under the burden of paying this huge annual fee, which was deemed to be unnecessary especially when some people do not actively make use of the credit card for the entire year. It is but natural for these customers to feel a little sulky because of this and it will create a bad image for the credit card firms, who imply these heavy annual fees. Credit card companies have understood about this particular problem of cardholders and have come up with these new set of life time free credit cards. The advantage for the credit card firms is that they create a goodwill for themselves in the market because of this feature. The current cardholders will refer many of their peers, colleagues and friends to approach these credit card companies offering life time free credit card service and this will enable those firms to reign supreme over their fellow market-players. A good chunk of these free credit cards come under the class of offer cards. These cards offer a lot of facilities for a certain amount of period called as initial introductory period. Therefore, the cardholders get lot of extra benefits such as “flight points” and “reward points”, travel help and money back. There have been quite a few instances wherein the lifetime free credit card has engrossed many a customers without actually thinking much about the other charges to be paid leaving them in a state of financial distress. So, like the saying goes “prevention is always better than cure” it is best advised for the cardholders to undertake a through analysis and completely understand all the features associated with a free credit card and the firms that offers these cards. It is always worthy enough to spend some time in understanding the background of the banks and the firms, which offer these cards and then go for the banks with good name in the market.
Finally, once you are ready with your analysis and are convinced regarding the same, chuck all those old credit cards with huge annual fees, which engulf and swallow-up your money and instead get benefited from this wonderful facility called as life time free credit card , certainly a life full of cheer and merriness. |