there is no hiding the fact that education is something we keep
gaining all through life, it is something that we need to make
a conscious effort towards. Believe it or not education is indispensable.
According to experts a quotation once read,
It is loans education that distinguishes man from animal. It
is worth mentioning in this regard that education certainly
widens your career horizons to extents you may have never thought
possible. But besides that, it is worthwhile remembering that
it makes you an individual person and gives you your identity.
Theoretically speaking this is not an overstated statement but
a verified fact. Though in simple terms many of us seem quite
complacent with a school degree, it is specific higher education
that can get you the best career options tomorrow. In an ideal
scenario the call of today is that of specialization. Because
of this simple reason specific education has therefore become
a must, assuring us of higher salaries and respected reputations.
Point to be noted in this regard is that going in for higher
loans education is more of
a privilege today, considering the rising number of dropouts
every year. As a matter of fact this privilege that seemed miles
away, has now become a possibility, thanks to Education Loans.
There is no denying that basic and higher education is a necessity
and not a choice for the simple reason being - well paying organisations
want well qualified employees. And though there is no hiding
the fact that most of us desire such education, not all of us
can afford it. Since most students at the moment, prefer being
independent, paying for higher education all by them, can sometimes
become an impossible task. According to experts it is for situations
like these that Education Loans cater to. But fact remained
that by no means allow a shortage of finances to deter you from
chasing your dreams.
Education Loans are of various types:
Believe it or not these
loans are different, depending on the party repaying the loan.
Theoretically speaking
according to the sponsor, they can be Federal or Private.
On the other side of
the coin according to the beneficiary, they can be undergraduate
loans, payment loans, parent loans, insurance loans, etc.
In addition according
to the course, law school, medical school, dental school, MBA,
general graduate, or post graduate.
Career Loans are an
absolute must for those pursuing education, while being employed
part time or full time.
It is quite pivotal that
you get a little more familiar with Federal Education Loans
and Private Education Loans that make up the majority in the
Federal Education Loans:
It is worth mentioning
in this regard that federal Loans are what most students, today,
apply for because these loans have lower interest rates. In
an ideal scenario they are again of 2 types: The Federal Family
Education Loan Programme and the Federal Direct Loan Programme.
Theoretically speaking in the Federal Family Education Loan
Programme, the lending party is none other than the bank, the
school or any credit union, whereas for the Federal Direct Loan
Programme, the Department of Education lends you the money.
There is no denying that this is a very simple and convenient
method of approach. In an ideal scenario these federal authorities
are exclusively for students and therefore the terms and conditions,
availability and approval is much simpler and time saving. However,
fact remained that these Education Loans mainly fund graduate
and post graduate programmes, i.e. usually higher education.
Private Education Loans:
If experts are to be believed with these loans
education , you the student (or any guardian on your behalf)
can provide financial back up to their education plans. As a
matter of fact these private lending parties are in no way connected
or backed by the government or any other financial institution.
Theoretically speaking private Education Loan Programmes cater
to graduate and undergraduate courses of education. In addition
while studying, besides basic tuition fees, there are several
other expenses to see to. More often than not these include
living expenses, books and other study material, boarding and
lodging and even travelling expenses. There is no denying that
education Loans do cater to most of these additional but necessary
costs. But it is worthwhile remembering that you have to make
your lender aware that you want your Education Loan to cover
all these aspects. Point to be noted in this regard is that
the Education Loan amount that is granted depends on your monthly
income, monthly household expenses, the course and the place
of residence during the course. On the other hand the requirements
include social security number, date of birth, employers name,
phone number, years of employment, gross annual income
Always remember that
repayment of Education Loans is expected to commence once you
complete that particular course/ programme. In few cases, repayment
is further suspended in case the student has finished his final
degree and has not yet gained employment. In that scenario,
repayment begins once he gets employed. Thats why get yourself
and Education Loan and chase your dreams, without turning back.
There is no denying that government education regulators are
trying to provide new loan systems which would fit all students
and make higher education accessible for all students, even
those ones from the poorest families. Fact of the matter is
the new loan system should allow students to not worry about
payback till they find a job and their earnings reach the value
which is good enough for monthly paybacks. Theoretically speaking
the new systems are aimed to considerably solve the question
of education democratization, therefore the new loans
education system for students has a 20-year mortgage program
and it evolves the new access regulator positions. In addition
this access regulator will be an official who would regulate
the entry process in order provide fair and equal possibilities
for all school graduates. Although it is worthwhile pointing
that the democratization principle looks great it involves government
regulators control under academic schools and universities.
According to experts such control would simple cut academic
freedom of colleges and universities where their managers and
tutors would have to look back at this regulator for his yes
or no answer regarding each graduates entering the university.
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