Price: $1,600 Available: Now.
1 BEDROOM - 1 BATH Apartment Building

We have a 1 bedroom apartment with hardwood floors and just a few blocks away from Malden Center, convenient for taking the T to Boston or bus stops. Water and Heat is included. No Laundry - NO PETS - On street


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1280 Centre Street, Newton, MA 02459 Tel 617.332.0077 Fax 617.332.3737

460 Main Street, Watertown, MA 02472 Tel 617.393.3477 Fax 617.393.3425

370 Chestnut Hill Ave, Cleveland Circle Tel 617.739.7000 Fax 617.487.5727

19 Pilgrim Rd, Fenway-Boston, MA 02215 Tel 617.206.3165

48 Maverick Sq, East Boston, MA 02128 Tel 617.874.8147