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Technical school and its advantages.

A man is a product of his society. As civilization advances so does its technology. With the gradual development of technology, education too underwent various changes. Initially, conventional mode of education produced lawyers, doctors, teachers or clerks. However, the growing modern population demanded something more.

Besides having Mathematics, English as their main subjects, schools laid stress on having Computer Science as their optional subject, so that it can enhance the outlook of a student with the aid of technology. It was not long when Computer Science apart from becoming an indispensable aspect of education became an interesting subject for the students. Computer Science acted as a catalyst in introducing tech schools as a part of modern education. Today the whole picture of education has changed because of the evolution of a new kind of school known as the tech schools.

The present age is an age of machines where technology forms an essential phenomenon. It is an age of competition. In order to survive in this age one has to take the aid of technology. Various tech schools have emerged over the last few years to provide an easy solution to the problem of survival. Its worth noticing that to promote the use of tech schools in the field of education, the Government has taken necessary steps to enhance this enterprise. A recent survey shows that since 1997 the High Tech School program has funded more than 120 proposals. The Indiana Department of Education has been awarded $6 million grant under the Technology Literacy Challenge Fund program. In order to cope up with the recent problem of survival the High Tech School project provides an important opportunity to boost the teaching and learning methods in the high schools. The technology school keeping in mind the challenge confronted by students in the contemporary age has set forth few primary goals so that it facilitates the student at a later stage. For instance the teachers of the technological school should be well acquired about the need to help the students to learn through the use of computers and access to the information superhighway. The tech schools take proper care so that all teachers and students are well furnished with technological knowledge and information literacy skills. Every school curriculum should provide the students with effective and engaging software and on-line resources. Instructional technology must be used to help students to achieve a particular academic standard and so on.

The question that one confronts now is which school to go for There are so many technological schools all over the country that has gained prominence but how to choose which one is the best The first thing that one should look for is of course the ranking of the school one opts for. Internet is the best weapon that one can use to get a review of the top ten schools of the country. However, it is not necessary that the school with the best rank is going to be the best one as infrastructure forms the next criteria that one should look for. Infrastructure matters. One may question that does it mean that the rated schools dont have a proper infrastructure The answer is very simple. Often it is seen that the countrys best school has fallen short of having a proper infrastructure. It might be possible that despite of scoring well on the recruiters perception scorecard, the tech schools fail to achieve an overall ranking. It can be because the institute was resting on its past glory or some thing else. Thus, infrastructure does matter while qualifying the overall standard of being the best school.

Next comes the intellectual capital. A proper survey can differentiate between schools that concentrate on imparting knowledge and the schools that display their outward charisma. Thus, one has to be very careful before making the choice. World-class education entails a permutation of infrastructure, faculty, brand equity and intellectual capital. The disparity between the overall ranking and the ranking based on intellectual capital becomes prominent from a proper survey of the schools that becomes primary before choosing an institution.

Government has keenly felt the necessity of such technological schools in enhancing the future of the country. Today more than the conventional modes of teaching, parents are biased towards technological education because this education apart from educating also paves the way to ones career. Recruitment facility is one advantage of such schools. Job related trades are being introduced gradually keeping in mind the growing problem of unemployment. Good technological schools offer a prospective future if only the choices made in the initial stage is good. Besides this, development of communication skills using global network is another advantage of these tech schools. The term used to define this particular skill of collecting, collating, analyzing and organizing information is knowledge management skills. These are some added facilities that these schools impart unlike the conventional schools. These schools not only facilitate a job probability at the end of such vocational programs but also endow one with the confidence of framing ones own future. If not a job then one can start off his own business. The problem of unemployment because of the increasing population has been very keen. Students also feel the necessity of receiving technological education.

Getting into a technological school means moving one step towards the goal of a person. So, one should analyze the necessity of such education in todays world before taking any decision. These days the increasing competition in a way has made it almost mandatory that one opts for a tech schools -based education. Though technical education is obligatory, it is not that that literary education is loosing its significance. Technical education helps one to earn his living but at the same time study of humanities is also essential. Science and humanities should go side by side in order to complete the education of a man to make him a proper citizen of the country he lives in. Education is like a tree whose branches have spread over the whole nation. In this vast tree the technological education just forms a newly acquired root that only helps in strengthening its base. The evolution of this new type of school has only enhanced the power of education rather than lessening the importance of the conventional tech schools.