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We live in a world where technology advances each day. If you have an electronic device and think it's great and fresh to the world, don't plan on that lasting too long, because they're always working on something better. These days, better, often means smaller with more memory. Unless we're talking about vehicles of course. I recall the first time I saw a plasma television. My first reaction was, "I want that." It was clear that this was the future of home entertainment. It had a nice, big widescreen, and it was flat and mounted on a wall. Wow, what an amazing picture. The price was equally incredible - 7000 $. Who would in their right minds dish out seven grand for a TV? What is going on?

Plasma televisions have come along way since they hit the stores several years back. We certainly don't have to spend seven grand to get one anymore. This always seems to be the case with new innovations. They are released onto the shelves with prices suited for a King's wallet, which only makes people want them more. I remember when the Play station 2 came out and very few were available.
My brother paid 500 for one. It's bizarre how some people are affected by toys. Regardless of the beginning of plasma televisions, they have certainly become more attainable. For less than a third of the price, we can have a quality, big screen gracing our living room wall. It is hard not to fall in love with the incomparable picture quality and crisp sound. Plasma televisions offer us a movie theater effect in the privacy of our own home.

One of the great new features with the flat panel and plasma television is the wall mount option. While many may still prefer their TV standing in the corner or on an armoire, some of us like it out of the way. Not just our way, but harms way as well. If you have kids or pets, you can appreciate this concept. The plasma television can be mounted like a picture in any room you wish. This also gives you that movie theater effect. It's great to have the additional space, because depending on the size of plasma television you're interested in, size can be an issue in your placing of it. Whereas putting it on the wall eliminates this concern. No matter what your preference, you don't have to be concerned with installing your 50 inch plasma television, since most suppliers will do it for you.