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Computer Monitors

There is no denying that your PC is incomplete without a monitor. Fact of the matter is a computer monitor is required for all desktop PCs, to see the characters and images processed by the computer monitors using the graphic card.

It is worth mentioning in this regard that computer monitors are designed according to the display standards laid down by the industry. Theoretically speaking occasionally these are called heads, when referring to several monitors used to display data using only one computer. In simple terms, the cathode ray tubes used for display screens are rectangular in shape, but circular and square screens are also popular

If experts are to be believed, present-day computers use a cathode-ray tube to display characters. In an ideal scenario this tube is made of glass and connected to a flat screen on one end, tapering to a narrow end on the other. On the other hand a single electron gun is connected to the narrow end of the tube for a single-color monitor whereas three electron guns are required for multicolor monitors. Furthermore the monitor emits light when the electrons strike the screen.

Although computer monitors have become an integral part of our lives, it is worth pointing that using these machines for a long period of time can cause visual problems and headaches. As a matter of fact the glare on the computer screen can strain the user?s eyesight, especially when trying to read small characters on the monitor.

That?s why, call an expert immediately if your screen is flickering noticeably, and adjust the contrast balance between the text and the background. It is worth pointing that eye specialists advise you take regular breaks from your work, and try focusing your tired eyes at an object twenty feet away from your work station.

Furthermore, it is advisable to keep your computer monitor clean using a mild cleaner, and wipe it using a lint-free cloth. In addition close your eyes whenever you are tired, and don?t hesitate to use eye drops to soothe your dry eyes.

In case if you are shopping for a new computer, you usually look at the size of the hard disk first, but you should also know what monitor you are purchasing. It is worth mentioning in this regard that the monitor displays the messages and data that are processed and utilized as the CPU (central processing units) speed or hard disk size.

In an ideal scenario there are two kinds of monitor technologies available on the market ? the CRT (cathode-ray tubes) monitors and LCD (liquid crystal display) monitors. Remember that CRTs are bigger and bulkier than the LCD, and they consume a lot more power. In addition the screen also tends to flicker. Moreover the LCD monitors are more expensive than the CRT and have less color replication. Though, LCD technology has advanced, and its viewing quality is comparable to CRT. Majority of people still choose the CRT monitor.

If experts are to be believed, for many years, the CRT monitors were the only choice consumers had for monitor technology. It is worth mentioning in this regard that CRT technology is used in most televisions and computer monitors. In simple terms, it works by moving an electron beam back and forth across the back of the screen. Furthermore each time the beam passes across the screen, it lights up phosphor dots on the inside of the glass tube and it illuminates the active portions of the screen. It is worth noting that by drawing many such lines from the top to the bottom of the screen, it creates an entire screen of images.

In an ideal scenario LCD technology is used in digital watches and computer monitors. Remember that this display has two sheets of polarizing material with a liquid crystal solution between them. According to experts, an electric current passed through the liquid causes the crystals to align, and light cannot pass through them. Furthermore each crystal, is like a shutter, either allowing light to pass through or blocking it. In order to produce color, LCD displays use two basic techniques: Passive matrix and thin film transistor (TFT). In theory passive matrix is the less expensive of the two. On the other hand TFT, or active-matrix, produces sharp color images like the CRT, but is much more expensive.

There is no denying that Liquid crystal display monitors have taken the computer industry by storm. As a matter of fact to own a sleek and thin LCD monitor has become a status symbol among computer users. That?s why manufacturers across the world are trying to roll out this compact monitor to fulfill the growing demand for this stylish and high-quality image-producing product.

As compared to CRT monitors, the LCD panels are only an inch thick without including the stand. Furthermore these consume less power and don?t radiate a lot of heat when used. In addition, they are popular because of their sharper digital display. Furthermore a digital display will knock off the irritating ghosting effect and deliver sharp picture quality.

It is worth pointing that an LCD monitor has a very compact configuration. Because of this reason it gives a clearer picture and adds to the entertainment of watching movies or videos on the screen. In addition its slim size enables it to fit easily into less spacious places, making it the perfect choice for small offices or homes.

It is worth pointing that LCD display screens or monitors are quite expensive, which makes it difficult for everyone to choose it above the affordable CRT. Remember that you may have to shell out $300 for a 15-inch LCD monitor, whereas for a 17-inch CRT monitor you pay only around $100.

On the other hand the normal CRT monitor is very sturdy and will not crumble under minor wear and tear while in use. On the other side of the coin, the LCD screens are extremely fragile and have to be handled carefully.

In theory, the 3D images of an LCD screen are blurry and unclear when the objects on the screen are moving. Therefore, gaming enthusiasts prefer CRT over LCD screens. Furthermore graphic designers also prefer the CRT over the LCD. Furthermore, the color gradations are not clear in the LCD panel, and it poses problems in differentiating between darker shades, creating practical problems for graphic designers.