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A few decades ago, it took several months or even years for a man to move round the globe. Nevertheless, today with advancement in air and space travel, it can be accomplished in few hours or even minutes. The world is indeed becoming smaller and smaller, figuratively speaking, thus making it possible for one to have breakfast in Delhi, lunch in London, dinner in New York and be back in Delhi for next breakfast.

This has resulted in movement of people from one place to another rapidly for exploring fresh avenues, in seeking better clear computer case business opportunities, in exploring interesting places, migrating to better places, etc. ever since the invention of wheel, the stride of mankind towards speed and mobility has increased. This is a natural process, which assists humankind in the quest for advancement in life.

The term internationalization is also interchangeably used with globalization. The internationalization process is the product thrown by bubbling economies, offering several opportunities to entrepreneurs around the world. Companies and people after achieving a certain quantum of success in their home country crossed the shores of their interests. This was not only for monetary benefit but also to achieve a sense of achievement and in some cases, to satisfy their egos. There is also an element of competition with rival clear computer case manufacturing similar products.

The internationalization has caused healthy and sometimes unhealthy competition among the companies resulting in the ultimate consumer being benefited. As a case in point, we may take the case of a videocassette recorder and player. About three decades ago, the cost of a videocassette recorder was Rs. 40,000/-. That was the time when very few international companies were manufacturing the item and they had to be imported into India. Moreover, today the CD players - video and audio can be bought for less than Rs. 1000/- having better gadgets and sizes as can be accommodated in the shirt pocket. This is the result of companies going global and going for mass production with highly advanced technical knowledge.

The process of developing, manufacturing, and marketing software products that is intended for worldwide distribution. This term combines two aspects of the work: internationalization (enabling the product to be used without language or culture barriers) and localization (translating and enabling the product for a specific locale).

- Internationalization defined by the IBM

Internationalization is also termed as I18N (or i18n or I18n), where the number 18 refers to the number of letters omitted. Internationalization involves the flow of technology, economy, knowledge, people, values, and ideas, altogether to a different world, with different culture, taste, knowledge and values. It builds up strategies, intangible assets, experiential knowledge, learning, and capabilities across foreign markets.

The globalization is so rapid that several companies, even India based companies, open manufacturing units in various countries, starting joint ventures with foreign companies, acquiring foreign companies with far less complexity than as was experienced a decade ago. The foreign direct investment is also growing very rapidly in India due to several transnational companies opening shops in India, due to liberalization of economy and favorable industrial climate created by various Governments in the Centre as well as the State. All this developments have increased the foreign exchange reserves and the economic growth of the country to new heights.

There are various factors, which contributed to the globalization process. The chief contributor among all the factors is, undoubtedly the rapid advancement in information technology around the world. There is no denying the fact that the world today is a better place and one big stage for all the advancement in information technology. The invention of e-mail / hotmail a few years ago has revolutionalized the entire world community. Computer technology has completely changed the world for better. The work done 2 or 3 decades ago by a hundred persons utilizing one hundred man days each, can be, today, done by a computer in less than a microsecond.

The process of internationalization is often called translation or localization enablement. The term Enablement includes the following:

Allow space in user interfaces to translate into languages requiring more characters. Say, for example, hardware labels, online menus, and help pages.

Product development (like Web editors, authoring tools, etc.) to help support international character sets, called as Unicode, accustoming to the entire world, by providing text in various languages.

Creating Web site graphic images or print graphic images in order to translate their text labels without much expense.

Making use of examples, which have a global presence. In other words, using instances that clearly demonstrate global scenario.

Separating textual data and environmental resources from the program code.

In the field of software, making sure there is enough data space to translate messages can be translated from languages with single-byte character codes (e.g. English) into languages that require multiple-byte character codes (e.g. Japanese).

In earlier times of a foreign company wanted to set a shop in India, a delegation would come to India to make preliminary investigation about their prospective business, hold talks with relevant people, apply for all necessary licenses from appropriate authorities, spend considerable time in locating suitable locations for its business and recruiting competent local people, deal with financial institutions, etc. All this would have taken clear computer case several months and considerable amount of money would have been spent. Today if the same company wants to set a shop in India, it will just follow the steps mentioned below:

By sitting in the office in their country, go into the website of the Government to analyze the various regulations of the Government in respect of the project in mind.

Apply for necessary permission / license by going online in the computer.

Go for a videoconference with local partners to discuss matters of acquiring land, machinery, etc.

Apply for necessary finance from their bankers. One can also apply online.

Keep constant contact with various companies for advertising, marketing, etc.

Apply for income tax numbers, sales tax numbers, importer-exporter code (IEC), factory license, etc, by going online into the various websites.

Contact various professionals such as engineers, architects, legal professionals, financial professionals through e-mail or videoconference from their office.

Recruit competent professionals through job websites.

All the above jobs can be performed by sitting in the office without moving an inch, just with computer and other facilities. Enormous amount of money and labour will be saved due to the presence of a simple computer in the office. This development in information technology has greatly contributed to the highly rapid globalization process, all over the world.

Another sphere where internationalization is really gaining speed with advancement in technology is education. With spectacular growth in the process of internationalization, the structure and content of the education system has drastically changed. It is a progressive step towards adoption of international standards.


Before selling a technical product in the overseas market, one needs to keep into mind countless technical considerations in the following key stages:


Ensuring that the product meets all specific requirements or modifications in order to accustom to the varied languages of the target market.


Making a set of action plans to draw a sketch of the strategic approach while stepping towards internationalization, keeping in mind the cost structure.


Making a product such that it looks as if it was specifically developed as per the requirements of the target country.


The most important aspect is to ensure that the product to be sold abroad should conform up to date with international quality standards, failure of which may lead to failure of business. In addition, the product should also be tested locally to get a useful feedback, so that if any rectifications are required, they can be implemented immediately.

In addition, the process of internationalization involves complete concentration on factors such as language, time zone, currency, date or time formats, telephone numbers and addresses, international postal codes, and so on.

Through internationalization, an organization actively takes part in increasingly interdependent world. With rapid advancement in information technology, the process of internationalization has achieved greater stability where all the international activities, programs and initiatives mutually work together.

Many of the organizations are expanding their business to the overseas market because of new trade agreements. Moreover, a tremendous amount of changes can be witnessed in the field of information technology. These changes in the field of IT has completely changed the environment clear computer case of individual companies and made it more competitive. This has led to swift transfer of data round the globe.

However, at the same time, there has been a growing concern regarding the increasing complexity of global environmental, political, and social issues around the globe.