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Cheap Laptop

Recently bought a Dell Inspiron laptop after doing hell lot of research about each and every details like:

1. Brand

2. Processor, memory, hard disk, etc..

3. Screen size

4. Even assembling laptop (adding memory, HDD separately)

5. Extra features

6. Weight

7. Price

Even after doing so much of research for a month or so I am not fully satisfied with what I bought...happens !!

Brand: Now a days lots of vendors are offering cheap laptop with different prices but almost same parts inside and different looks ouside. If you are looking for cheap laptop with high configuration then look for different options in Dell. If you have enough money and big budget then look for Lenova Sony (wow !! wonderful look), HP, Toshiba. Caution: Dell will deliver your laptop with so many junk softwares installed, but don't worry number of forums are already in place to help you delete all junk softwares.

Processor, memory, hard disk: Laptop comes with a certain amount of physical memory, usually called as main memory or RAM (random-access memory). Computers store currently running applications and data in this area for faster access. To find out how much memory you'll need, take into account your operating system and the applications that you plan to use. If you want to run high memory applications like application servers, database servers, gaming applications then definitely go for Dual core processor with at least 1 GB RAM. What I think about hard disk is take between 60-100 GB. Now a days peoples keep lots of stuff on laptop like songs, movies, games, installers, all this takes lots of memory so better go for good enough memory if it gets full then start writing on CD or DVD or buy external hard disk. Other side, just wanna use laptop for songs, movies, internet access (not much of official use) then one can go for pentium M processor as well with 512 MB RAM (because of lower configuration and so lower cost, one can look for brands other then Dell). I believe Dual Core duo processor T2050 is good enough for most of the applications. If you have more budget you can choose T2400 or T2500 too.

Screen size: Wide screen adds to the weight but better visibility. Go for wider screen like 15.4 if you want to use cheap laptop for personal use with very less mobility. Never go for 17 inch kind of screen, it would be better desktop system then. So, 14.1 inch screen if want to use for official work and more mobility, 15.4 inch screen if more of personal use (movies give better visibility) and lesser mobility. For comfortable viewing at the preferred Windows resolution, most people like 14.1-inch or larger LCDs.

Assembling laptop: Assembling cheap laptop means adding memory or hard disk. Many vendors gives memory very costly even 3-4 times of actual cost. Better option is go for single 512 MB RAM when buying laptop later buy 512 MB more from market and add it. Adding memory is very easy in laptop but on safer side confirm from vendor before choosing this option. Dell adds $300 for 1 GB more RAM but same could be available in market for just $100 bucks so why to pay $200 more.

Extra features: You need at least a CD-ROM to install software, of course. But unless you're buying a budget notebook, don't settle for anything less than a CD-RW drive so that you can burn your own CDs. Go for some extra features like bluetooth, DVD burner. You can burn your lesser used data on DVD and free up laptop memory. Bluetooth is future so go for it if it is coming cheaper. Don't go for some extra sound cards like Audigy card that comes with Dell cheap laptop, its gives same results but adds to the cost unnecessarily. Don't even go for remote controls or TV tuner card, believe me nobody uses it quite often as long as you have TV at home. Choose Wireless Networking Card, it would be very comfortable if you can buy wireless router and use this feature.

Weight: Ahhh Dell laptop is worse in this category. Worst is, Dell laptop is not available in market to see and check the weight. After buying from dell site you can just regret about it. You can not carry dell inspiron quite often or otherwise you will feel demotivated to carry it. If you don't need very higher configuration then certainly look for laptop from toshiba, sony but not dell. Need high configuration want to run heavy applications then dell would be much cheaper than other vendors but you need to compromise with weight. Ultraportable laptop is classified under 4 pounds weight. Thin and slim is between 4 to 5 pounds. Anything more than 6 pounds would be difficult to carry for daily activities.

Price: High configuration high price. Cheapest laptop is Dell and costliest laptop is Sony. If you need high configuration laptop then price difference between Dell and other vendors would be very high. Low configuration laptop are almost same for most of the vendors. Dell laptop are heavier but cheap and good, having said that, cheap and good is Dell. Still, if you can spend some more bucks then don't go for Dell as it would be difficult to carry, spend some more bucks and go for Toshiba, Sony.. Most of the vendors offers cheap laptop through installments as well. Dell is offering cheap laptop for students, these laptops are good looking and easy to carry. Frequent fliers should not opt for Dell due to weight. They should look for portable laptop from Sony, Toshiba, Apple, etc. Gamers and business users should go for Dell laptop with high configuration. Even refurbished laptop is available in market for lesser cost.

Bottom line - Need laptop for personal use (movies, songs, games, internet) Go for vendors other than Dell like Sony, Toshiba as it would be good looking, slim and sleek. Low configuration laptop are almost of same price from all vendors.

Need high configuration laptop. Go for Dell. Price difference would be high as compared to other vendors.

At last: Laptop should be Windows Vista capable. Windows Vista is going to release in November 2006.