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Car Safety

Car Safety definitely has progressed through the years since the invention of the automobile. The founders of the industry would be truly amazed at all the features now available on our major modes of transportation. The introduction of travel by a gas powered engine has transformed our society into one of great mobility. It has enabled us to travel to places that would have taken months to get to otherwise! Many changes have taken place over the years, and improving Car Safety has always been a concern for the automobile industry. As vehicles progressed with the availability of new technology, faster speeds were achieved and fender benders as well as more serious accidents occurred. Automobile manufacturers became more concerned with improving car safety and preventing injuries and deaths.

Since this time, Car Safety has improved immensely. However, accidents continued to occur. The car safety devices were there, such as seat belts, but were not always being used by the occupants. It wasn?t until legislative bodies in many states addressed this issue of car safety and made it a law to buckle up.
Drivers in these states are required to buckle up or they will be fined by law enforcement. Some car manufacturers in an effort to improve car safety designed seat belts that would secure themselves around the driver automatically after ignition. Everyone who operates any type of motor vehicle should be concerned about Car Safety. Not every accident can be prevented completely, but we as consumers can make good choices by selecting a safe vehicle for ourselves and our families, and use the restraint system. Many newer vehicles have driver?s side and passenger air bags in addition to the seat belt restraint system, which includes adaptability for child car safety seats.

Side air bags are also available on some models, and side panels as well as front and rear of vehicles are now designed for greater impact protection. Consumers can get more information on vehicle safety ratings by visiting the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration at Crash test and rollover test ratings are available for review on most passenger cars, pick up trucks, SUVs, and vans from 1990 onward. Car Safety ratings can be compared and saved for later if you choose while shopping for a new or used vehicle. This is a very good site to visit and can assist consumers in making an informed decision base on car safety ratings.