![]() Individual Medical Insurance planMedical Insurance states for the kind of insurance, which is made for the health related problem of the person. That is if a person faces a health problem due to some disease or some accident. Then he/she is liable to get the financial aid from the insurance company in lieu of the expenses that are made to the hospital authorities for operation and the medicine that are given to improve the health condition of the person. Need of individual medical insurance plan. The need of individual medical insurance plan arises because of the various reasons. These reasons are as follows. Life is important. A person owns life is as important as the life of the family. If he/she is alive and stays healthy then only the responsibilities toward family can be met. And if he/she thinks that by financially giving aid to the family will meet the requirement of the responsibilities towards the family then what about the physical presence of the person with the family members. Physical presence is much necessary to make the family feel that you are always there for them. And to meet this requirement a person needs to stay healthy. And if at some point of time he/she passes through a disease or mishap then individual medical insurance will help financially to meet the expenditure of getting well being again. Healthy mind in a healthy body. There is a saying, "Healthy mind in a healthy body." A person with good health will be able to meet the targets of the life. The targets or goals can be those, which he/she may be dreaming to achieve from the days of childhood. A physically fit and fine person only can move around and make endless efforts to achieve his/her goal. Also the person with healthy body is expected to have healthy mind that is good and positive thinking towards life. Such people prove themselves to be an asset to the society at various points of time by their achievements and good deeds. Anyone can face disease or mishap at any point of time in life. At such time individual medical insurance can help the person to meet the expenditure of getting fit and fine again and thereby make efforts again to meet the goal of life. Financial support for the family man/woman. An individual medical insurance acts as a financial support for a family man/woman. That is the rise in individual expenditure due to some disease or mishap gets the support of the financial aid that is given by the medical insurance company at such times. Thus a person stays tension free about hospitalization and medical bills, because of the medical insurance company financial support. This way the person passing through a disease or mishap can take proper treatment to get fit and fine without worrying for the expenditure on the treatment. Old age medical support. With the passage of time while reaching the old age and especially after getting retirement, a person dearly needs medical support. The medical support means the day to day intake of medicines for survival and surgery required to live life more comfortably in the old age. At such time the income source also declines due to retirement and the person may finds himself/herself in financial trouble. At such time asking for money from the family members may make a person feel downgraded. Thus individual medical insurance in that case will help the person to get the medical support without putting financial pressure on the family members. Conditions apply for medical insurance. Conditions do apply in the case of medical insurance company. Conditions apply can be understood as the requirements that are required to be met so as to get the financial aid from the medical insurance company. These conditions can be as follows. Presence of disease after the start of medical insurance scheme. Of course conditions do apply in this case, which are early informed to the individual by the insurance company agents. The condition that apply can be that the person can take the financial aid for only those diseases from the insurance company which occurred after the date of start of the medical insurance scheme. The medical insurance company will not consider any disease, which a doctor confirms to be older than the date of application of medical insurance scheme, for financial aid. Selection of the hospital by the company. The company makes the selection of the hospital for medical treatment of a medical insured person itself. That is the company generates the list of hospitals where the people can go and get the best medical treatment for their disease or mishaps. A person using the facilities of a hospital that is not in the list will not be liable to get the financial aid from the medical insurance company. True documents supply. The medical insurance company gives financial aid to those people who supply the true and trustworthy documents. Any person found guilty in supplying wrong or fake documents to the medical insurance company will not be liable to get financial aid in future. Financial aid according to the insured amount. The amount of financial aid will stay according to the amount insured and the medical insurance company clarifies not more than that. Therefore at the time of payment of premium the person should know the maximum amount that can be received as medical insurance, so that later he/she may not claim for more than that amount. Types and benefits ofIndividual Medical insurance plan. There are a number of medical insurance plans prevailing in the market. The agents from different companies can help understand the person the various kind of individual medical insurance plans. These medical insurance plans can be connected to only medical aid or may even include other benefits like life insurance, good return benefits in case of no claim, and many more. The various benefits of individual medical insurance plans are as follows. Financial aid to the person for meeting medical expenditure. Tension free life and feeling of security in the mind develops. Good returns from the investment made in any of such insurance. Less pressure on the family members for financial requirement in life and especially during the old age. Good medical facilities available to the person due to selection of the best hospital and thereon expenditure being paid by the medical insurance company itself. Conclusion. In a nutshell the individual medical insurance is a must for the person in today's life. There are many conditions apply that should be considered before taking medical insurance. And in the end the individual medical insurance has many benefits that make the individual medical insurance worth buying. |